Sportswear Ladies

Hello! What's up the internet! *steal JoshuaDTV vlog intro*
Today I'm going write a post about fashion, some trend that I seen growing in community nowadays.

It is sportswear ladies.

So, I'm sure that we all can see that nowadays people wear sportswear not only for workout session or outdoor activities. People are so smart enough to mix and match clothes to get a brand new casual look.

Nike Roshe. Its like a madness even to myself because it came in sport shoes like and with lots of fancy designs such as floral, tribal, camo and more, that you can even wear it to hang out and feel more comfortable without hurting your feet compared to if you choose to wear high heels when you got to walk a lot.

To those who love cardigan, you can find a nice top, especially sleeveless one to mix up with your style. Pick a top with a nice mute colour or clean lines to enhance your casual outfit.  It brings out the balance of your sporty and feminine side into one outfit. Plus, I just figured out that there are a lot of fancy leggings that u can wear either to jog or hangout!!

Any women can pull together a simple yet stylish outfit by taking it back to basics. By wearing a simple t-shirt, trousers and slip on sport shoes, it can definitely show off a little sporty element into your fashion look. You can also wear a jersey or basketball tee to substitute the plain t-shirts for a more boyish appeal.

Well ladies, you can check out and shop for some cool stuff >>HERE<< to look more sporty and trendy.
That's all from me. Have a nice day!


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