Restaurant Review: Anjung Keli


I wrote about catfish in last post so now I'm going to write (promote) one of the restaurant that serves catfish as their signature dish, Anjung Keli.

What so special here are catfish dishes, and various of 'sambal', and various of 'ulam'.

There are fried, grilled, and cooked with pepper. I like fried one the most. But I can promise that all of the them would satisfy your tummy and hunger.

Besides, there are also various type of 'sambal' such as air asam, air asam tomato, sambal kicap, sambal mempelam, sambal kuinin, sambal belacan, sambal hijau. Tbh i never try all of them because I kinda scared to eat those spicy thing LOL. Air asam the only one I eat with catfish and always my

So those are some of the ulam that available from the one that I can name until the one that I never seen hehe.

AND!! Not to forget the best 'dadih' I've ever had is Dadih Seri Noza. Yes, you would ask for one more after you done one.

So, it open from 11am (whenever the dishes are ready) and closed at 4pm. Anjung Keli is open for lunch and located at Simpang Pulai, Perlis.

(Photo credit to Anjung Keli FB, Famous Penang Halal Food blog, and google.)

p/s: was too busy working that I cant snap pic of my own huhu.


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